Practical research tips for management students

A researcher experiences regarding academic research as an innovation student:
Presumably, the most critical challenge a researcher faces is finding the question and the form of the problem (exact and accurate).
Why? From two angles: First, the student has to be interested in the subject from different aspects, many researchers spend their research life on topics that they are not interested in. what will happen? Their efforts are met with internal resistance, and they do not have the motivation and interest to pursue the work diligently.
Another aspect is that finding an appropriate and mechanical problem should be in line with other research trends in the scientific community, no matter how attractive to us. In other words, the researcher should distinguish when is an excellent time to concentrate on this research topic; if the selected subject be outdated or far ahead of the trend, maybe it ends in months of resultless effort.
Another critical issue is finding a tutor; to direct and manage the research process perfectly.
In addition to preventing the researcher from getting caught up in a wrong topic, a reliable mentor is also quite effective in defining the issue’s features. He will monitor all steps of the work and choose the fittest research method.
For different parts of the research, he will consider a reasonable time and KPIs and consider the work’s progress as an actual project; furthermore, if an unexpected challenge arises, he can help the researcher save the project from deadlock by using his tacit wisdom.

Openness in platform ecosystems: Innovation strategies for complementary products

Journal: Research Policy
Year: 2021
Authors: Javier Cenamor and Johan Frishammar

Keywords: Platform strategy, Open innovation, Ecosystem management, Innovation, Innovation Strategies.

Openness in platform ecosystems: Innovation strategies for complementary products

Innovation strategies in complementary product markets come with a dilemma: Platform sponsors must concede third parties autonomy to innovate to make a platform successful, but a platform sponsor must also participate in the complementary product market to make the platform grow, thus acting as a competitor to third parties. We examine the performance outcomes of four innovation strategies based upon combinations of development and commercialization activities, i.e., the proprietary, outbound, inbound and third-party strategies, and their evolution over time. Data was collected from a panel of 4,857 video games for the seventh generation of video consoles in the United States. The findings contribute to research on platform strategy, open innovation, and ecosystem management by highlighting the different performance outcomes of innovation strategies that co-exist in the same platform ecosystem at the same time. The findings emphasize that decisions on appropriate innovation strategies in platform ecosystems are much more complex than they have previously been portrayed as, through the traditional dualities of open or closed, platform sponsors or third parties, or first or subsequent strategies.

Towards a theory of ecosystems

Journal: Strategic Management Journal
Year: 2018
Authors: Javier Cenamor and Johan Frishammar
Keywords: Ecosystem, Platform, Strategy, Complementarity, Modularity

Towards a theory of ecosystems

The recent surge of interest in “ecosystems” in strategy research and practice has mainly focused on what ecosystems are and how they operate. We complement this literature by considering when and why ecosystems emerge, and what makes them distinct from other governance forms. We argue that modularity enables ecosystem emergence as it allows a set of distinct yet interdependent organizations to coordinate without full hierarchical fiat. We show how ecosystems address multilateral dependences based on various types of complementarities—supermodular or unique, unidirectional or bidirectional—which determine the ecosystem’s value-add. We argue that at the core of ecosystems lie nongeneric complementarities and the creation of sets of roles that face similar rules. We conclude with implications for mainstream strategy and suggestions for future research.


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12345 North Main Street,
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12345 North Main Street,
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Research Interests and Trends

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  • Morbi egestas erat quis magna ultricies, id condimentum justo rutrum.

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  • In scelerisque nulla cursus erat ullamcorper, nec mattis dui molestie.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit adipiscing elit.

  • Maecenas placerat quam vitae risus vulputate consequat.

  • Morbi vitae massa malesuada, congue odio in, mollis mauris.

  • In id quam iaculis, pretium magna eget, tempor purus lorem.

  • Nulla mollis ex varius nunc sagittis aliquam.

  • Maecenas tincidunt eros sed facilisis gravida.

  • Morbi egestas erat quis magna ultricies, id condimentum justo rutrum.

  • Proin eget libero non odio luctus dignissim luctus dignissim.

  • In scelerisque nulla cursus erat ullamcorper, nec mattis dui molestie.


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